about me

When I came to faith and accepted Jesus as my Lord & Savior, I became really passionate about studying the Bible. I love to encourage, teach and equip people to walk in their God given calling. My prayer is that when you read my bible studies you will get fired up by the Holy Spirit to start seeking God's presence more and getting to know HIm more. So that you can walk in the calling He has specifically for you. And that you will get excited about His Word which has so many amazing treasures in it to explore.



As a child I always kind of believed in God. I went to a Christian primary school so I knew some stories. But we didn't do anything with it at home. When I got into my teens I didn't believe at all anymore. I saw the Christian faith as a kind of fairy tale that people believed in and as something very boring where you had to follow all kinds of rules. And I didn't feel like that at all. I became absorbed in worldly things such as going out, drinking alcohol, wrong relationships etc. It was a way of feeling that I belonged and a kind of escape from reality. When I was 19, almost 20, I met my husband and we soon got into a relationship. Shortly after we got into a relationship, I had a car accident with friends where we ended up upside down in the ditch. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured, but this was a kind of wake-up call in my life. I realized that it could all be over just like that. Then we threw ourselves back into parties and sports for a short while, but nothing fulfilled us. and I remember feeling really down at moments. At one point, my husband got a new job for a new employer, who is a Christian. He got more and more conversations with him and my husband and I started to talk more and more about it together and we actually got hungry for God. We then got our first Bible from friends and amazing things started to happen. We ended up at a small church and half a year later we attended a prophetic meeting at someones house where we received prophecy for the first time and were touched by the Holy Spirit for the first time. This was such an amazing moment and something I will never forget. Shortly afterwards we were baptized in water and after that a peace came into my life that I had never known before. I had really bad nightmares before and when I got baptized they all went away. I didn't have to worry anymore because I could lay all my worries before God. God began to heal me of anxiety. There came a renewal of my thinking and I had no need at all for the things of my old life. Since then my husband and I got married, have been gifted with 2 beautiful children and have seen God work in an amazing way. And to this day, I keep getting new revelations of who God is and I long to serve Him with my family and follow Jesus.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17