To Equip and Encourage You in Your Walk

 with God

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about me

When I came to faith and accepted Jesus as my Lord & Savior, I became really passionate about studying the Bible. I love to encourage, teach and equip people to walk in their God given calling. My prayer is that when you read my bible studies you will get fired up by the Holy Spirit to start seeking God's presence more and getting to know Him more. So that you can walk in the calling He has specifically for you. And that you will get excited about His Word which has so many amazing treasures in it to explore.

My dream is to see a  generation stand up for biblical truth and on fire for Jesus.

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You were born for such a time as this!

You can make a difference where God has placed you.

shop journals

jesus journal

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no weapon journal

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born for such a time journal

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as for me and my house poster

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joy of the lord poster

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who am i in Christ?

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A few years ago the Lord called me to preach and teach His Word. And now I just want to go wherever He calls me. I love to teach, activate and encourage people. So that they know their new identity in Christ and how they can walk in that. 


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'However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to thr good news of God's grace.' Acts 20:24